Who should follow TFI?
Workspace operators, landlords, agents, investors, developers and all industry actors.
What is our field?
The use of technology specifically in shared workspace operations, and more generally all workspaces.
What do we provide?
News, Knowledge, Research in the form of reports and surveys, Design and Conceptualization papers, Advice and Consultancy.

What technologies?
Both mature and emerging technologies in the workplace.
Service provisions such as Internet access, networking, Wi-Fi, voice services, mobile access. Software management, accounting, CRMs, lead management systems, user portals, and of course User Apps. Access control and non-conventional security.
The use of IoT in buildings and environmental management, space use monitoring, real time performance dashboards.
The Long Run Theme: ‘The Great Connectivity Transformation’.
Are emerging technologies like 5G and WI-Fi 6 a challenge to operators? Can Mobile Network operators and their technology providers steal ownership of the customer, and transform the entire world to a shared workspace?
Who are TFI?
Tony Freeth and friends around the world.